
中央深改委:深化国有企业改革 着力补短板、强弱项、固底板、扬优势

Central Commission for Deep Reform: Deepening State-owned Enterprise Reform to Focus on Making Up for Shortfalls, Strengths and Weaknesses, Solidify the Basis, and Promote Advantages

Breakings ·  Apr 21, 2023 21:52

On the afternoon of April 21, Xi Jinping presided over the first session of the 20th Central Committee on Comprehensive and Deepening Reform and delivered an important speech. The conference emphasized that to strengthen and improve the management of the state-owned economy, it is necessary to build a state-owned economic management system based on the mission, tasks and functional positioning of the state-owned economy in the new era and new journey, starting from the strategic perspective of service constructing a new development pattern, promoting high-quality development, promoting common prosperity, and safeguarding national security, improving the security responsibilities, quality structure, assets and enterprise management of the state-owned economy, deepening the reform of state-owned enterprises, focusing on repairing shortcomings, strengths and weaknesses, solidifying the foundation and advantages, and building a state-owned economic management system with clear powers and responsibilities, efficient operation and strong supervision.

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