
多地重大项目集中签约开工 新旧基建落地助力经济企稳

Major projects in many places have been signed and started, and new and old infrastructure has been implemented to help stabilize the economy

Breakings ·  Feb 20, 2023 05:03
Recently, centralized contracts have been signed and started projects in various regions, which have generally focused on large-scale investment in infrastructure construction. In addition, fields such as new energy, energy saving and environmental protection, information technology, and advanced manufacturing have also become major capital flows. “All regions are concentrating on signing contracts to start major projects, sending a strong signal that 'at the beginning of the year we must sprint, and when the new year starts, we must attack. '” Industry insiders said that this will play a leading role in major projects, highlight the driving role of government investment, focus on stimulating the vitality of social capital investment, and support high-quality economic development with high-quality projects.

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