
国家市场监管总局:加强对相关医疗美容机构等场所现场检查 依法查办一批涉医疗美容违法犯罪案件

State Administration of Market Supervision: Strengthen on-site inspections of relevant medical and aesthetic institutions and other places to investigate and handle a number of illegal and criminal cases involving medical aesthetics in accordance with the

Breakings ·  Dec 8, 2022 13:12
According to an official from the State Administration of Market Supervision and Administration issued an article on the 8th, in the next stage, on-site inspections of relevant medical aesthetic institutions, lifestyle beauty institutions and other units and places will be strengthened, investigation and punishment efforts will be strengthened, and execution links will be strengthened, and a number of criminal cases involving medical aesthetic crimes involving serious circumstances and of a poor nature will be investigated and handled in accordance with the law.

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