

Shen Jianguang: China needs to speed up the digital transformation of the industry and seize an advantageous position in the restructuring of the industrial chain supply chain

Breakings ·  Dec 6, 2022 15:16
Recently, Shen Jianguang, chief economist of JD Group and director of the JD Economic Development Research Institute, said in an exclusive interview that China has the dual advantages of a complete range of industries and a large domestic market, but while there is a risk of chain breakage in the world, it is also necessary to live in peace and mind danger, and accelerate the improvement of the “double chain” resilience and safety level. “In particular, it is necessary to accelerate the digital transformation of the industry and improve the level of governance of the platform economy. An important way to seize an advantageous position in chain supply chain restructuring.” (Sino-Singapore Finance)

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