

The decline in industrial profits expanded and the structure improved, and the cumulative profit of the automotive industry increased this year

Breakings ·  Nov 28, 2022 04:27

Affected by factors such as the shift in industrial producer ex-factory prices (PPI) from rising to falling year on year, and rising costs, etc., the decline in industrial enterprise profits increased from January to October this year, but the profit structure continued to improve. According to data released by the National Bureau of Statistics on November 27, the total profit of industrial enterprises above the national scale fell 3.0% year on year from January to October, an increase of 0.7 percentage points from January to September, the lowest since September 2020. Zhu Hong, senior statistician of the Department of Industry of the National Bureau of Statistics, said that overall, the profits of industrial enterprises have declined, the structure continues to improve, and profits in some middle and downstream industries have clearly rebounded. However, it should also be noted that the domestic epidemic has spread frequently recently, the risk of a recession in the world economy has intensified, and industrial enterprises are under great pressure to recover their benefits.

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