

Seven departments: stars are not allowed to endorse tobacco and tobacco products (including e-cigarettes), out-of-school training, medical, pharmaceutical, medical devices, health food and formula food for special medical purposes.

Breakings ·  Oct 31, 2022 15:23
The General Administration of Market Supervision and other seven departments jointly issued the guidance on further standardizing Star Advertising activities, which made it clear that stars should strictly abide by relevant laws and regulations and carry out advertising endorsement activities in accordance with the law, in accordance with rules and regulations, and in good faith. Shall not endorse products (including prohibited services) that are prohibited by law to produce or sell; shall not recommend or certify unused goods (unaccepted services); shall not endorse advertisements for unlicensed market entities or other enterprises that should be qualified for examination and approval but not approved. They shall not endorse tobacco and tobacco products (including e-cigarettes), out-of-school training, medical treatment, medicine, medical devices, health food and formula food for special medical purposes, and shall not violate the relevant provisions of other laws and regulations on advertising. In the process of advertising endorsements, state secrets or personal privacy shall not be disclosed; the efficacy of commodities shall not be exaggerated; data that cannot be verified shall not be quoted; commercial slander of other operators shall not be carried out; do not make misleading publicity about product prices, preferential conditions, etc. Asset management products shall not be advertised directly or in disguise, promise capital preservation and income protection, or predict investment performance to imply capital preservation, risk-free, income protection, etc., and shall not blindly publicize low threshold, low interest rate and easy lending to loan financial products, causing consumers to misunderstand.

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