
第五届进博会各项筹备工作进展顺利 有将近250家世界500强和跨国龙头企业参加

The preparations for the Fifth Expo are progressing smoothly with the participation of nearly 250 of the world's top 500 and multinational leading enterprises.

Aug 26, 2022 11:50
China International Import Expo's fifth anniversary expert seminar was held in Beijing yesterday. Sheng Qiuping, vice minister of the Ministry of Commerce, said that the Fifth Expo will be held in Shanghai from November 5 to 10 this year, with the participation of nearly 250 of the world's top 500 and multinational leading enterprises. all preparations are progressing steadily as planned. In the first four sessions of China International Import Expo, exhibitors released more than 1500 new products, new technologies and new services, with a cumulative turnover of more than 270 billion US dollars. The Expo has entered a series of local activities and has been successfully held in the central, western and northeast regions, actively promoting the transformation of exhibits into commodities and exhibitors into investors. (CCTV News)

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