

Economic front page: the policy of stabilizing growth will be strengthened at the right time

Apr 11, 2022 01:09
According to the article in the front page, recently, from the executive meeting of the State Council to the symposium of economic situation experts and entrepreneurs, several important meetings have stressed that the smooth operation of the economy is facing greater challenges when studying and judging the economic situation. it sends a clear signal that macro policies should rely on the advance and strengthen them in a timely manner. A number of economists said that in the face of the complexity and uncertainty of the domestic and foreign environment, the importance of stabilizing the economy has become more prominent, macro policies need to be further strengthened, and more stable growth policies are expected to be introduced in the future. With regard to how the policy of stabilizing growth will be strengthened in a timely manner, experts believe that, on the one hand, to ensure that the policies that have been introduced fall to the ground early and take effect early, and on the other hand, make a good plan in terms of rescuing the main body of the market, stabilizing employment and prices, and stimulating investment and consumption. New measures will be introduced.

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