

National Development and Reform Commission: the price of pig grain has entered the second-level early warning range of excessive decline, and the collection and storage of pork reserves will be launched according to the situation.

Breakings ·  Feb 8, 2022 10:50
According to the monitoring of the National Development and Reform Commission, in the week from January 24 to 28, the national average pig grain price was 5.57, which was between 5 and 6 for three weeks in a row, and entered the second-level warning range of excessive decline set by the "improving the government pork reserve regulation mechanism and doing a good job in the work plan of ensuring supply and price stabilization in the pork market". The National Development and Reform Commission, together with relevant departments, will start the collection and storage of pork reserves according to the situation, and guide the localities to carry out the collection and storage work in accordance with the regulations.

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